28 April 2009

REVIEW | B is for Beer by Tom Robbins (Ecco)

Tom Robbins is perhaps the most solidly strange and whimsical authors of the last few decades. Between a new Christopher Moore and a new Robbins this year couldn't be off to a better start. B is for Beer takes Robbins brand of humor in a totally different direction--children's literature, well adult children's literature. The subtitle is A Children's Book for Grown-ups or A Grown-up Book for Children. B is for Beer tells the story of one little girls' infatuation and eventual inebriation with the golden beverage of choice of her Uncle Moe that quickly dives into a fairy tale [told by The Beer Fairy] of the history, creation, and distillation of beer. I found myself chuckling nearly every other page. Here is line I would now consider classic Robbins:
The week passed as slowly as a snowmans gas.
The coup de grace sees Gracie, the little girl, visited by The Beer Fairy to tell her and most importantly show her all she has ever wanted to know about the creation of beer. Gracie also learns a few lessons about perils of drinking, but also the benefits. Although, the topic is a bit adult I could definitely see reading this on to my niece and nephew or lending it to my Father-in-law to do so. I can actually picture him sipping a beer as he would read it to them. The book is rather short (125 pages with a few illustrations), but that was obviously out of intent. This could easily be read in one sitting with a tall glass or 2 to accompany you on the journey. It will leave you salivating for a second round. My favorite Robbins was and still remains Another Roadside Attraction, although B is for Beer is a great addition to the Robbins library. I give B is for Beer 7.5 out of 10 hats. Book Link: US Canada UK

1 comment:

  1. Tom got me to hitchhike from Oklahoma to living in the Virgin Islands by way of hitting the ocean at the tip of Florida and finding a boat that took aboard thumbs and cooks who know how to make southern gravy. I have chased, dated, fell in love with, and been broken by redheads. I have tried every drug with every type of medicine man and shamen I have found. I am a hot mess breathing like a bandaloop, wearing patchouli (tried the Beat), and fucking like Pan. I think I had just took acid and finished with Heinlein's Stranger when I wrecked my dad's motorcycle and had time to kill. Of course I found Tom's stories at that tender age and frame of mind. I was in need of Jesus and found him instead. Mix in reading the Illuminatus Trilogy between any of the long waits for the next novel. I dare you. My friends and I hold CRAFT as often as possible. I also have James Joyce stuck in my head, smoke Camels, troubled with very young women, love Bring In The Clowns! I give Tom a HUGE thumbs up! My children and I love B is for Beer!
