23 July 2009

The Most Absurd Review of Joe Abercrombie's FIrst Law

A good friend passed on this link to a very surreal and mostly funny review of Joe Abercrombie's First Law Trilogy and Best Served Cold. Some highlights include:
Logen Ninefingers is like Chuck Norris, Rambo, the Terminator, and Bruce Lee all had a child… and then Logen Ninefingers came along and killed that child. Yet still, I’m left with the feeling that where Bayaz and his arch nemesis Khalul are concerned, it’s not a battle between “Good and Evil” it’s a battle between “Shit” and “Oh SHIT!”
If you tire be sure to scroll down towards the end (after Best Served Cold cover) for an imaginary kidnapping of Joe Abercrombie. BEWARE spoilers abound through out this posting.

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