18 January 2010

Contest winner and general updatery

The lucky winner of Graham Joyce's British Fantasy Award winner How to Make Friends with Demons is Emily from Silver Spring, Maryland.  The book will be sent out sometime this week.

As for my informal poll asking what readers their favorite read of 2009 The Steel Remains was one that kept popping up the most, which has been on my to-read pile for quite sometime.  Since it was mentioned so much I'll be sure to read it in the coming weeks. Also, I have officially moved back home.  Stayed tuned for more contests as I have cleaned my shelves out a bit as I was unpacking and I have a few things some would hopefully like quite a bit.  Some of these would be fairly new books and some older.

I'll be getting up a review in the next few days and an author guest post will be going up as well. The guest post was originally supposed to be part of a larger article but Lavie Tidhar took the idea so far I wanted to give him a solo post.

Stay tuned!

You friendly book-loving Mad Hatter

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read "How To Make Friends with Demons" yet, but I met Graham at World Fantasy and he is a good egg. Congratz to the winner.
