10 February 2010

Covers Unveiled for Abercrombie, Lloyd, and Wilson

A few may remember the makeover the First Law Trilogy is getting in the UK.  Well, here is the last member of the tribe. I'm still a fan of McGrath's art, but I just don't think it fits this series perfect. Although, this is fairly close to how I picture Jezal dan Luthar, but doesn't he have a big scare on his jaw by this time? I'm not sure why McGrath has taken pains to keep the ugly side of the characters from the forefront.  Maybe it was direction from the publisher, but the cover with Glotka could have at least showed his messed up teeth.

The cover of Tom Lloyd's The Ragged Man I showed a few months back was now obviously a very unfinished version as the final came out gorgeously.  This is probably the best of the series thus far.

Artist: Unknown

I recently finished Julian Comstock by Robert Charles Wilson (review to come) and I found out Tor is changing the art for the mass market release in May.  Sure the art is a bit clinched bringing to mind Planet of the Apes, but the scene does appear in the story so it certainly fits.  For comparison sake below is the cover for great letterpress style HC. I like both well enough.  The HC still wins out for daring to be different and subtle, but the mass market art is a bit more evocative of the story.  Either way it is book worth checking out.

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  1. The new First Law covers are nice art. Just not for this series.

    The Ragged Man looks absolutely awesome. I may have to start that series finally.

  2. I'm behind on Tom Lloyd's series. I read the first book and have the 2nd and 3rd, but they keep getting pushed aside for some reason.
