21 February 2010

Cover Unveiled for Is Anybody Out There? Ed. By Nick Givers & Marty Halpern

I've mentioned the all-original SF anthology Is Anybody Out There? a couple of times now.  DAW just released the cover, but it is a little on the low resolution side of things.  Overall, it is a bit of a safe cover, but the title treatment is nice. The sun image is interesting and certainly helps the spine treatment stand out well.

Here is the back cover copy:
Why is it that, in such a vast cosmos, with hundreds of billions of stars in this galaxy alone, and no doubt billions of Earth-like planted orbiting them, we have found no evidence of intelligent alien life? No evidence that aliens have ever visited Earth (other than discredited UFO mythology), no detectable signals in all our SETI searches with radio telescopes…?

The stories in this anthology offer intriguing explanations for this enigma looking seriously or comically at solutions. Is intelligent life a fluke, arising only once or twice in the universes long history? Does intelligence arise frequently, but with gulfs of time and distance keeping technological civilizations irretrievably apart? Do such civilizations inevitably implode or self-destruct within a few hundred years? Is our definition of intelligence fatally subjective? Are aliens among us right now, unseen? Are there aliens everywhere? These are just some of the many possibilities explored in Is Anybody Out There

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1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the font saves that cover from getting lost in the mire. One of my most anticipated anthos of 2010 for sure!
