10 March 2010

Vacation Pile

Well, I leave today which means I've packed and had to pick out all the books I'm bringing. This trip I've stuck to mainly mass markets and no review copies except for Empire in Black and Gold, which is currently being read and greatly enjoyed as it has some of the most original world-building I've seen in recent years. The insect angle works so well, but for some reason I keep waiting for Lion-O and the Thundercats to make an appearance. So I've narrowed by vacation reads down to the following:
  1. Strata by Terry Pratchett - It has been too long since I've read a Pratchett and a friend lent it to me. Plus I usually go for shorter reads on a trip.
  2. To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis - I've been meaning to read a Willis book for years and a friend highly recommend it. Also, the cover quote compares it to being as funny as A Confederacy of Dunces, which is one of my all-time favorite reads.
  3. Dead to Me by Anton Strout - For my Urban Fantasy fix.
  4. The Skinner by Neal Asher - So many people have recommended it and Asher stopped by the blog.
  5. The Guinea Pig Diaries by A.J. Jacobs - I've enjoyed Jacob's first two memoirs, especially The Year of Living Biblically and I've been neglecting my non-fiction pile too long.
  6. Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding - Comparisons to Firefly have made me want to read this for a long time.
Is this too many for a 6 day trip? I'm not sure everything will be read before I get back, but I'll try my hardest. If we get enough good beach days I may get there.  Look for a short recap of all the books read when I return as I don't plan on doing a full review of each, but knowing me at least two or 3 will warrant a full take.

1 comment:

  1. No, take a large variety - you never know what you'll be in the mood to read.

    If the Thudercats do appear, let me know.

    Safe travels.
