15 April 2010

Happy Blog-o-versary! & Giveaway

I knew the one year anniversary for Mad Hatter's Bookshelf was coming up, but I nearly forgot now that it is here. It was a year ago today that my first review went up and now with more than 170 posts, 80 book reviews, a dozen interviews, which includes one going up later today with Neal Asher, it looks like I'll be continuing on for the foreseeable future. I like to think this blog has come a long way since that review and has gained a good following in so short a time.  One of my goals when I started was to keep this a regularly updated site and even though it has been a struggle at times I've kept it up.  My run of at least one book review a week stands even though there have been some close calls.   My writing has improved, which was another goal although this is always a work in progress.  But ultimately my wanting to spread the love of all the books I read beyond my small circle of friends seems to be working out as well. And I've had loads of good discussions with many of you for which I want to thank you all for with a special shout out to my wife who nudged me along the whole way.

To thank my loyal and new readers I'm giving away an ARC of Ares Express by Ian McDonald and one mystery book. A second place winner will also be chosen for a mystery book. To enter send an email to madhatterreview (AT) gmail (dot) com with your full name and snail mail address and "BLOGOVERSARY" in the subject line. Also, include whether you are more of a Sci-Fi, Fantasy, or Urban Fantasy fan, which I'll use to give the winners a list of books from my vast library to choose from for the mystery book. These could end up being almost anything. The deadline is midnight April 21st. I'll announce the winner on the following day or as soon as I remember. This contest is open to the people of the United States only. If you send multiple entries you will be disqualified from the contest.


  1. Congrats! Keep up the good work.

  2. congrats! love your blog I'm glad book chick city posted a link to you :)

  3. Good work on keeping a great blog going! I know from experience how hard that is...

  4. Congrats! Going strong.

  5. It's definitely been an evolution and it's just getting better & better. Okay I might be a wee bit biased.

    Love you,

  6. Congratulations! One year seems for me an eternity because I started my blog just 12 days ago!

    Keep up the good work.

  7. congratulations .... your blog is too fine .keep it up buddy .
