08 June 2010

VIDEO | Steampunk Panel from School LJ at BEA 2010 w/ Cherie Priest, Scott Westerfeld & Cory Doctorow

This is a rather interesting video from this years Book Expo as part of the School Library Journal portion of the show. The panel is different than the one I mentioned in my BEA rundown, which was on the show floor.This particular event was with Cory Doctorow, Scott Westerfeld, and Cherie Priest was meant more for a Librarian audience with a focus on YA Steampunk.

As soon as the Steampunk panel from the show floor is online I'll let you know.  That was a good one as well from what little I caught with Catherynne Valente and Cherie having very differing views on Steampunk out of England.

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  1. Hey there, I really like your site. I'm an aspiring Christian author. I'm not following you, I'd really like a follow back...God Bless.


  2. I'm not a Christian author. I am following you. :) And thanks for the heads up on the panel vid. Looking forward to checking that out.
