24 August 2010

Big Fat Book Giveaway

So about all that stuff regarding too many books in the house.  It is time for a clean out and in honor of that I'm doing a giant prize pack of books.  This will be mostly galleys I've gotten more than one copy of along with some titles I don't think I'll ever get around to reading.  What there are some I know I wont gravitate to? Yes. Yes, really. I still have copies of many of these that are on the stacks and can't believe I haven't gotten to some already.  But here we are and now I can share the love with one of you lucky readers.  Getting this package will give you the feeling most of us bloggers get by coming home to a fat package or two sitting on the stoop.  Now on to the goodies.

Black Blade Blues by J.A. Pitts (pb)

The Devil in Green (Dark Age 1) by Mark Chadbourn (ARC)

The Queen of Sinister (Dark Age 2) by Mark Chadbourn  (ARC)

Speak to the Devil by Dave Duncan  (ARC)

The Office of Shadow by Matthew Sturges  (ARC)

The Dervish House by Ian McDonald  (ARC)

Runescape: Betrayal at Falador by T.S. Church  (ARC)

To enter send an email to madhatterreview (AT) gmail (dot) com with your full name and snail mail address and "BIG GIVE" in the subject line. The deadline is midnight August 31st. I'll announce the winner on the following day or as soon as I remember. This contest is open to the people of the United States only since I'm paying for shipping. If you send multiple entries you will be disqualified from the contest. Chances are I'll add another book or two to the stash as well.

Game on!

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