01 August 2010

A Challenge from Sam Sykes

Sam Sykes has invited challenged me and 10 other bloggers to read something we wouldn't normally read called his Bravest Challenge.  For some this could be a Paranormal Romance. For others it could be a historical novel.  For me it will be a novel of "tie-in" fiction since it is an area I have generally kept apart from. That's right I've never read an official Dungeons and Dragons novel or a Warhammer book. I have dabbled very lightly in Star Wars and read one Star Trek book years ago. The biggest reason I've stayed away from tie-in fiction is I just didn't want to get involved in something that would probably make me buy dozens of more books. I know me and I can't help myself. This is the same reason I haven't delved into Discworld.  This challenge also plays into my recent article of reading comfort zones, which is why I'm more than happy to participate.

For the challenge Sykes has assigned me R.A. Salvatore’s Homeland. This is the first and much beloved Drizzt novel that spawned dozens of sequels. I'm actually excited about sinking my teeth into this character.  Also, since this is a bravest challenge Sykes would like me to read The Orc King afterwards as that supposedly is one of the weakest novels in the series. Do check out the challenge as a diverse set of bloggers have a nice list of books to try out.

Besides going around picking fights with bloggers Sam is also the debut author of Tome of the Undergates, which I had quite a bit of fun with earlier in the year and now that I think of it is very much like what I'd picture as an adult D & D novel.  He is holding a contest for signed US ARCs of Tome of the Undergates that is well worth entering if it sounds like something you'd like at all. See his site for details on entering.

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  1. Cool challenge. I can't believe you've never read any D&D novels. I came across your site a week or so ago and now it's a must visit site for me. You read many of the same things I do and seem to feel the same way about many of them (a good match for someone to follow for reviews).

    Hope you like the book; I'm sure many of us out here can give you a great list of which ones to buy when you get sucked into those too.

  2. I've played D & D and read the guides, but haven't taken the dip. I've read plenty of fiction they definitely comes off as inspired by D & D in some way.

    Thanks for the kind words. It is great to hear that we sync up. That's what this is all about for me. To tell others what I think is worth reading. Hopefully they try it and don't think I'm wrong. ;)
