29 September 2010

New Procurements

A Hard Day's Knight by Simon R. Green - The second to last Nightside book is in my hands in galley form, which comes out in January. This pulp series has had its highs and a few lows. I'm hopeful Green goes out on a high note.  

The Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi - This could possibly be the Sci-Fi debut of the year, which is why I pre-ordered it early this summer.  It made its way across to me from the UK.  Those in the US will have to wait until sometime next year to get there hands on it here.  Nothing but good things have been said thus far so I'll have to keep my expectations in check.

Farlander by Col Buchanan - This galley is for the US edition coming from Tor in January.  I bought the UK version earlier this year and still haven't gotten to it so I'll probably try to review for the US version.

Betrayer of Worlds by Larry Niven & Edward W. Lerner - Only recently did I read Ringworld for the first time, which is why it was fortuitous that this new title showed up acts a prelude to the series.  We get to learn why Wu was chosen by the Puppeteers.

Dying to Live by Kim Paffenroth - What caught my on this zombie read sent to me by Permuted Press is the tag line: A Novel of Life Among the Dead.  It brings up all kind of nihilistic thoughts to mind.

A lone survivor in a zombie-infested world, Jonah Caine wandered for months, struggling to understand the apocalypse in which he lives.Unable to find a moral or sane reason for the horror that surrounds him, he is overwhelmed by violence and insignificance. Then Jonah comes across a group of survivors living in a museum-turned-compound. They are led by Jack, an ever-practical and efficient military man; and Milton, a mysterious prophet who holds a strange power over the dead. Both share Jonah’s anguish over the brutality of their world as well as his hope for its beauty. Together with others, they build a community that reestablishes an island of order and humanity surrounded by relentless ghouls. But this newfound peace is short-lived, as Jonah and his band of refugees clash with another group of survivors who remind them that the undead are not the only—nor the most grotesque—horrors they must face.

Twilight Forever Rising by Lena Meydan - Andrew Bromfield, famous as the translator of the Nightwatch series, again turns his hugely capable skills to bringing a new Vampire series to the English reading world. Everyone involved in this project must think the series has some chops since so few Russian works get translated that I'll have to make time for it at some point.

Darel Ericson of the Dahanavar clan is a rarity among his vampire brethren: he’s an empath, strong enough to occasionally read thought as well as emotion. For centuries, his power has given the Dahanavar a significant advantage against the machinations of the other vampire families, an advantage which makes Darel both a powerful tool and a highly visible target.

Fortunately for Darel, it is more useful for the heads of the other clans to maintain the centuries-long peace between the houses than to remove him. But, the cunning and violent head of the House of Nachterret is tired of the truce, and of hiding his presence in the world. The Nachterret would like nothing more than have free reign over the helpless human cattle upon which they feed.

Darel, and the human woman he loves, become central to the Nachterret’s scheme to plunge the Houses into all out war. Darel is ultimately forced to face the question: is one young woman’s life too high a price to pay for peace?

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1 comment:

  1. I look forward to your review on the Paffenroth novel. Sounds promising.
