27 January 2011

New Procurements, now with added monkey!

If you're asking yourself why a monkey than clearly you don't belong here. It is a monkey and that should be all you need to know. Anyhoo, this month's batch is made up from review copies, an online order, a trip to the bookstore, and a long-time pre-order, which necessitated reordering "The Shelf of Honor" a bit.

The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie - This is the Sub Press limited edition of one of my favorite Fantasies of the last decade. Maybe you've heard of it? Beautiful design, but the art while very attractive still didn't feel completely right to me for the world. Before They Are Hanged has just gone up for pre-order at Sub Press and I've already reserved my matching copy.
Agatha H. and the Airship City by Phil & Kaja Foglio - The first of my Christmas Gift cards went to this and the next two books.  The hardcover first edition has already sold out at the publisher, but most stores should have copies and a second printing is expected in February. It is slimmer than I thought it would be, but looks grand including some nice stamping done on the front of the hardcover.
Leviathan Wept and Other Stories by Daniel Abraham - I've been in something of a Abraham mood lately and have been hemming and hawing over this collection for a while, but the gift card made it an easy decision.
The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Blue Bear by Walter Moers - This was to fill-in a hole in my Moers hardcover collection. If you haven't read Moers do yourself a favor and grab this book. You'll laugh yourself silly.
One of Our Thursdays Is Missing by Jasper Fforde - This is the review copy from the publisher to one of my favorites series. Check out this article from last year to see why I think everyone should be reading it.
Among Thieves by Douglas Hulick - A review copy for one of my Looking Forward Fantasy books of 2011. Looks very much in the vein of Weeks and Lynch at the moment.
The Curious Case of the Clockwork Man by Mark Hodder - Review copy to my favorite Steampunk novel of 2010.
Cowboy Angels by Paul McAuley - Review copy of McAuley's latest for Pyr although it came out in the UK a few years back. America is trying to control alternative universes.  Sounds like a good time to me.

Midnight Riot by Ben Aaaronovitch - This is a review copy for what keeps getting batted around as a great entrant into the Urban Fantasy fold. It is being released as Rivers of London in the UK. I'll definitely be reading it quite soon.
Equations of Life by Simon Morden - This review copy is Morden's adult debut in the Sci-Fi area.  Looks like a very short novel and I'll be check it out especially since the 2nd and 3rd books will be following it a month apart.
The Alchemist in the Shadows by Pierre Pevel - Sequel to The Cardinal's Blade, which I still need to read.
Autumn: The City by David Moody - The sequel to Moddy's Autumn told from the perspective of the people who remained in the city.  Autumn didn't blow me away by any means, but I'm a bit interested to see where the story goes.
Deep State by Walter Jon Williams - Review copy to the sequel to This is Not a Game, which I've heard good things about. I read William's Implied Spaces a couple years back and liked it quite a bit.
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness - I head Harkness speak at NYCC this year and her book sounded rather interesting, so I'm glad this review copy came my way. This is ramping up to be a major release and has been getting some seriously good buzz putting it up there with The Historian.

There are 6 books above I wish I could read all right now. Reading vacation anyone?

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LOOKING FORWARD | Urban Fantasy & Steampunk Books Coming in 2011
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REVIEW | The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack by Mark Hodder


  1. I was just wondering, have you heard of Arthur Slade's children's steampunk series: "The Hunchback's Assistant"? I've never read any mention of it on this site.

  2. Oh wait, I think it's called "The Hunchback's Assignment". My bad.

  3. Great shelves, dude -- and love the monkey :-) I think I've stumbled onto your site once before and now have been drawn back by the monkey ;-) lol I especially love that you've got "The Blade Itself" by Joe Abercrombie, and the artwork is absolutely amazing ;-)

    Have a great weekend!

  4. @Syed - I have heard of the Hunchback book and nearly bought it a couple times. It is on my list to grab at some point.

    @Derkeva - Thanks! The monkey will be a regular fixture from now on.
