23 February 2011

ART | China Mieville's Embassytown reveal and more

Tor UK planned a big launch for China Mieville's latest novel Embassytown in addition to repackaging his complete backlist with a uniform look.  Tor tried to capture China's theme of blurring worlds and did a rather decent job.  Perdido Street Station and Kraken especially caught by eye although Un Lun Dun doesn't feel right especially since it is a Young Adult novel. Embassytown itself leaves me a bit confused at the moment, but hopefully it will make more sense once I've read it.  Which catches your fancy? 

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  1. i like almost all of these... do you know what format they will be in? i.e. the mass market paperback size of the larger size?

    i'd love to see him get similar treatment in the u.s. i don't like the perdido or scar covers much and they never released iron council in MMPB so it doesn't match the others in the trilogy. now that he's a big seller, MMPBs in general are probably a thing of the past actually.

  2. I believe they will be the B format mass markets. I'm only basing that on their cover price though. It does seem like in the US that Mieville is seen as more literary, which usually means trade paper instead of mass market. Personally I prefer the trade size as I like the slightly larger type size.
