26 March 2011

New Procurements with Mini Yoda & Bart

And the books keep rolling in. I've been snowed under for years with books, but I've reached my highest point ever. A lot of this has to do with reading less the last month and a half due to some personal issues. Even though I've been interested in reading and I have loads I want to read time is a precious commodity in short supply. In a couple short weeks though I'll be done with a big project at work and I'll have a week long vacation where I'm sure some damage will be done to the to-read pile.

Blood and Iron by Tony Ballantyne - This is the sequel to Twisted Metal and second in the Penrose series, which focuses on a world where robotic life is the norm. There are widely divergent cultures controlling different areas and plenty of warring going on. I'm eager to get back to Penrose to find out more of how this world came to be as it was only starting to come to the fore at the end of Twisted Metal. There is still no US publication dates in sight for the series, but the mass markets are quite reasonable through Book Depository where I nabbed it.

City of Ruins by Kristine Kathryn Rusch - The next in the Diving Universe series, which is one of my top 3 anticipated Sci-Fi books of the year.  This was an arc from the publisher that'll be reading before publication.

Soft Apocalypse by Will McIntosh - I've talked about this one a bit and it is what I think could be a debut of the year in the apocalyptic/near future area. McIntosh has certainly brought his A-game to the short world and now we're treated to something a bit longer. This is a finished copy from the publisher so it should be showing up in store soon.

Dark Jenny by Alex Bledsoe - The third book in the captivating Eddie LaCrosse Sword & Sorcery/ Detective series. If you haven't tried this series out you're missing out. Especially you Dresden Fans out there. Only no so much magic. All the stories are standalones as well so you can dive right in. This is again a finished copy so books should be in store soon.

Shadow's Lure by Jon Sprunk - The arc to the sequel of Shadow's Son, which had a lot of classic appeal. This looks to a be a bit longer than Sprunk's debut so hopefully he packed it full of the action he's becoming known for.

The Falling Machine by Andrew P. Mayer - Steampunk Superheroes..Yes, please!  This is another arc for a series I have very high hopes for. Mayer is a game designer so hopefully he brought his creative energy to bear in new and exciting ways for the Steampunk genre. I have hopes this will be a strong Steampunk deput.

Await Your Reply by Dan Chaon - I've heard too many good things about Chaon's latest to pass it up especially after nabbing it used.

A Matter of Time by Glen Cook - I haven't partaken of Cook's Sci-Fi yet so this review copy from the publisher just may be it.  This is also a reprint originally published in 1985 as  Nightshade seems to be hellbent on getting as much Cook out there as they can.

WWW: Wonder by Robert J. Sawyer - This is the last in the WWW trilogy from Sawyer, which means I have to start reading the series. I already own the first one. For some reason I always wait until his trilogies are finished before dipping in. This probably happens since I found Sayer later in life and burned through his backlist over a 18 month period. If you want thoughtful and Sci-Fi that will inspire you look no further.

Deathless by Catheryne M. Valente - Valente's latest has a Russian flair that will hopefully be a breakout book for her as it is also her first hardcover release in 5 years.

Worldshaker by Richard Harland - I got this used as well and intend to give it to a friend's kid, but I don't know if I can help myself from some Steampunk YA.  They usually are a good treat if not too deep. Speaking of which I really must get to Behemoth soon.

Well of Sorrows by Benjamin Tate - An Epic Fantasy that I hasn't gotten my attention, but the title has drawn me in since I first heard it a year ago. What little I know is it involves the transformation of the main character into something else.

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