15 March 2011

What do Wise Men Fear?

As seen on My Elves Are Different.

In other news I'll most likely be at Patrick Rothfuss's signing tonight in Brooklyn barring any personal craziness that may ensue. This is the first chance I've had to get my first edition/first printing of The Name of the Wind signed and I cannot pass it up.

You Might Also Like:
NEWS | The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss in Webcomic Form!
RE-READING | The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss - Part 1
RE-READING | The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss - Part 2


  1. This cartoon is too funny. I saw Pat Rothfuss last week in Chicago (well, Chicago area) and he was great (as usual).

    Enjoy your signing/reading!

  2. I laughed pretty good at this picture, which is good because I need to laugh right now. I also knew I was officially a fantasy nerd when I understood this and my husband looked at it like it just flew out of the sky from Mars or something.

    I should also say that I'm damn jealous of you getting the book signed!
