03 June 2011

For the gamers out there

Ever since I was a wee child I've been fascinated by games of all stripes, but I usually gravitate towards those with dice. For years dice have been those bone white blocks with black dots thrown into boardgames or those soccer shaped ones used in your Dungeons & Dragons game. Over the last 15 years there has been an explosion in colored dies used mostly for Dungeons & Dragons. I have some friends who get a new color for each new character they create. But no one has really reinvented dice at all. Well that changes with Dice Age, which I'm backing on over at Kickstarter.

Kickstarter is this really amazing platform designed to help fledgling people with making their dreams come true. Usually it involves a product or art piece of some kind, but it could just as easily be a book. I've been spending a fair amount of time and money of there lately - probably too much on both counts.

From the moment I saw Dice Age I had to be part. Just to figure out what that damn rocket does in a game that is supposedly a mix of Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, and a touch of Uno. The complete starter set has 23 different dice grouped into colors giving them different attributes depending on the color such as Light (yellow), Warfare (orange), and Might (red). You can start with a set of 10 random dice, which is enough for 2 people to play, but I went for the whole shebang because I couldn't help myself .

The keep with the cannon on top called "Movur's Outpost" is something I'd probably pay money for all by itself, but I always like to vary my games and with 23 pieces a four player game is well worth it for $50 since the replay-ability seems high. The random 10 set is only $25 or 5 for $15, which if you get a friend to do the same will give you each enough to play against each other. Even for people who just like the shapes can get in on the action with a $7 pledge to get two random dice when they are available. There are also plans for another 100 original dice that if the project is a hit will be released over the years to come expanding the game.

Setup of the Game:

Once upon a long time ago...
You belong to the Gods that rule on top of the cosmos. You hold in your hands the ultimate might to create new planets, new dimensions, in their every detail from the infinitely small to the infinitely vast: Your power is only limited by your imagination. You practiced combining energies; the positive, negative and multicolored. And at last, you have been chosen for the highest challenge: the Crown of Gods, the divine joust to the mastering of entropy and chaos. The competition will be tough, and you will have to summon up your most advanced creation skills. But you have a secret weapon: you control hazard!

Components: 10 dice (of one cubic inch volume each), 1 Rulebook (20 pages), 1 awesome dice pouch with the Dice Age logo on the back.

Also, the rules for the main Dice Age game "The Crown of Gods" are up, but there are apparently at least two other games players have designed themselves. To learn more about this game visit Dice Age's Kickstarter page and don't forget to click on the update link as it has loads more descriptions of individual dice.

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  1. This looks really interesting. Hopefully they'll come to GenCon in August for a demo. Thanks for sharing.

  2. We will be represented this year as visitors, and we hope the final edition is ready by the time!

  3. We'll actually be there, organizing the 4th and 5th tournaments, on Friday and Saturday:

    Fourth Dice Age Tournament Ever:
    Friday the 5th August 2011 at 9:00 PM. duration 3 hours
    Cost $2 Location: Gen Con Indianapolis Hall E: Blue :: 11--13

    Fifth Dice Age Tournament Ever:
    Saturday the 6th August 2011 at 4:00 PM. duration 3 hours
    Cost $2 Location: Gen Con Indianapolis Hall E: Blue :: 11--13
