26 June 2011


Art by Rahzzah
I'd go see this movie. How about you?

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  1. Could be a funny one.

    May I ask you what happened with your Douglas Hulick review which I found in my Google Reader but not on your blog.

    When I click on the link I get following message:
    Page not found
    Sorry, the page you were looking for in the blog Mad Hatter's Bookshelf & Book Review does not exist.

    I liked AMONG THIEVES a lot and was eager to read the interview.

  2. I'd watch this in a heartbeat!
    Dr Bunsen as Beast?
    Gonzo as Nightcrawler?
    And (obviously) Miss Piggy as Frost!

  3. The Doug Hulick interview will be up today!

  4. Thank you very much for information about the Doug Hulick review. I look forward to read it.

  5. Well it is an interview. Review still isn't done, but I think people will like the interview even more than my review, which so far amounts to: THis book is awesome. Read it!
