18 August 2011

REVIEW | Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Do you know who Gary Gygax is?
Can you quote lines from nearly every John Hughes movie?
Ever wished you could drive a Delorean?

If you answered yes to any of these than run now and buy a copy of Ready Player One because your favorite book of the year has arrived. In fact, buy two so you have one to lend out knowing your collection is still complete. The movie Fanboys was Cline's love letter to Star Wars while Ready Player One is his scrawled over notebook to everything he loved about the 70's and 80's and tied into a story just as memorable as all the movies and games he mentions. Even if you don't get all the references the story can most definitely still be enjoyed.

Ready Player One is pure adventure mixing media, a dystopian future, and a virtual world known as OASIS. A virtual treasure hunt for the fortune of the world's richest man and most famous game designer has been announced, but 5 years later no one seems close to solving the puzzle. Everyone wants in, but few have the skills and knowledge until all hell breaks loose as gunter (egg hunter) Wade Watts cracks the first clue.

With lots of humor and pop-culture references that never seem forced Cline has created one of my favorite Sci-Fi novels of the last decade. It isn't hard Sci-Fi by any stretch, but an adventure style quest with pop-culture trappings in a virtual world where everything can be made real. Ready Player One also has heart and lovable characters as believable friendships and relationships develop. There is an evil corporation that you'll love to hate and there is even a bad guy you just pray will get his in the end. All in all Cline has stacked the deck to make this a memorable read that I finished in two days.

Children of the 80's rejoice and get your geek crush on. I give Ready Player One 10 out of 10 hats. This is one to savor and fall over in love with again upon each eventual re-read. Now if we could only transport the Richard Donner of the 80's through time to direct the eventual awesome movie that will be Ready Player One.

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  1. I keep reading the greatest things about this book. And if you gave it 10/10 it must be good.

  2. I'm so glad this book is good. I didn't grow up in the eighties, but this book still sounds amazing.

  3. I've seen others raving about this book, but I already pre-ordered it when you tweeted about. 10/10 though, whoa. Gotta finish my reading now so I can get to this book.

  4. Oh man I have an ARC of this and I can't wait to dive in, this book seems to have everything I love in it, clearly a 10/10 means it isn't just hype.

  5. All the hype on this one is well deserved. It hits all the right buttons. I just did a quick search and this is only the fourth time I've ever given a perfect score out. So, yeah it is good. ;)

  6. Ernest Cline has a great fondness for the time period and knows his stuff as he fills Ready Player One to the brim with pop cultural nods.

  7. I've been reading hundreds of books over the last few years (audiobooks) and this is BY FAR ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS I HAVE READ!!!! I highly recommend it.
