25 October 2011

New Procurements (Comic Con & Sundry)

It has been a busy past couple of weeks.  My house is finally finished being worked on and now we're setting things back to rights.  I did manage to sneak in a visit to New York Comic Con and a trip to a bookstore.  First up my grabs from NYCC.

My taste in comics is a bit different than most people for my collecting purposes.  I'll read Superhero comics from DC and Marvel, but when I buy it is usually more indie comics I want. My affinity for The Goon and The Mice Templar are pretty well know around here.  So this year at NYCC I was looking for the unusual and also who was there signing. Orcs: Forged for War by Stan Nicholls with art by Joe Flood is actually a prequel to the Orcs series by Nicholls.  I'm a big fan of the first Orcs Trilogy so I'm eager to start this one, which I got the artist to sign. Than I stopped by the Archaia booth and did some damage getting Jim Henson's The Storyteller, which hadn't officially been released yet along with Days Missing by Phil Hester, David Hine, Ian Edginton and Matz and Return of the Dapper Men by Jim McCann and Janet Lee with the latter signed by the artist. Archaia are also the publishers of MouseGuard and the Fraggle Rock collections that are all gorgeous.

Some gorgeous looking review copies have come my way as well.  Shadow Ops: Control Point is Myke Cole's debut which is pitched as the modern military mixed with sorcery and comes out at the end of January, which goes right on my anticipated titles for 2012 pile. Joining it is Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed, which is finally mine. Do check out the cool cover on that oneFenrir, M.D. Lachlin's sequel to Wolfsangel is looking very sexy. And at the bottom is a longtime preorder, The Iron Jackal by Chris Wooding as I can never wait for the next installment of the Ketty Jay crew.

A bunch of other books I've been waiting for showed up as well.  The Emperor's Knife by Mazarkis Williams is a debut coming from Night Shade that a lot of people are already talking about, but it won't even be out until December. This is a UK galley I received from the author.  Next is Infidel by Kameron Hurley the follow-up to the great God's War and I've already devoured Infidel and it is just as good as the first.  Boneyards is the third Diving Universe book from Kristin Kathryn Rusch, which is a series I just plain love. Next are three debuts from Night Shade who have turned up the debut juice this year. The Panama Laugh by Thomas Roche looks to be a Zombie Thriller with a dark humor bent.  Thomas World by Richard Cox looks to be very much in the vein of Philip K. Dick.  Necropolis from Michael Dempsey is a Noir Sci-Fi novel with a man who was sentenced to death is brought back to life decades later and goes detecting.

The above are from a trip up to Market Block Books in Troy, NY while visiting family this past weekend under the guise of buying books for my niece and nephew. I couldn't help grab a couple for myself. The Recollection by Gareth L. Powell is one that's been on my lists for awhile since I enjoyed his novella Silversands last year. Stoner by John Williams is just one of those books that's caught my eye more than once and I finally succumbed. The Spice Necklace was my wife's pick while The Mysterious Benedict Society was recommended to me by my sister-in-law and given the cover price was only $7 I decided to take it for a whirl. 

There are so, so many books from above I've been looking forward to but the first ones that will be cracked besides they already read Infidel are The Emperor's Knife, Boneyards, Throne of the Crescent Moon, and The Iron Jackal. But The Recollection and Fenrir look darn good as well.  Hmmm...  The comics will be read between books.

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  1. Thanks for the signal boost. I've also read THOMAS WORLD and NECROPOLIS and quite liked both. The former is weird in a delightfully disturbing way.

  2. I was looking at Orcs yesterday in B&N. May get that. And I am still hovering around Kameron "Hurley's God's War" and "Infidel" - most of the people and bloggers I know/read have liked them, so I really need to get on that.

    Good haul, though. :)
