08 November 2011

Cover Unveiled for Libriomancer by Jim C. Hines

Jim C. Hine's new series Magic Ex Libris begins with Libriomancer. It involves magic and books so you just know that is up my alley. The cover above is not the final design, but the art seems to be. The art is by Gene Mollica who is know for his photo realistic covers used a lot in the Urban Fantasy area, but he is also behind Brian Ruckley's gorgeous Godless Trilogy. The art seems fitting, but I'm not a fan of the title font or coloring. Just seems off to me. A description for Libriomancer hasn't been released but Hines did make the opening paragraph's available:
Some people would say it’s a bad idea to bring a fire-spider into a public library. They would probably be right, but it was better than leaving him alone in the house for nine hours straight. Smudge was a neurotic little arachnid, but as long as he had company, he usually refrained from setting everything alight.

The four-inch spider was a memento of what I had left behind, one last piece of that other life. If magic were alcohol, Smudge would be both sobriety medallion and the one whiskey bottle I kept around as a reminder…
So, yes everyone's favorite fire spider from the Jig the Goblin books is making the cross over. Libriomancer will be out in August from Daw and marks Hines' first hardcover release. Also of note is that the Jig the Goblin books are being released in omnibus format. The collection will be called The Legend of Jig Dragonslayer and will be out in July.

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  1. Hines is one of my favorites. The Fairy Tale series in so fun and touching. Can't wait for Libriomancer.

  2. magic, books, librio, umm, mancing?

    sign me up!

    Cover art looks very cool as well.

  3. Is that a *fire spider* on his shoulder? I laughed when I saw that. This looks excellent though. A very compelling cover. And I love Jim's work, so I can't wait to get a copy of this one.

  4. I've never heard of Hines or his work, but I think I'll definitely have to check this out.
