13 November 2011

New Procurements

Ah, more pretties have entered my stacks. First up as usual our the books I've bought.

Kultus by Richard Ford, which I believe is Ford's debut outside of his Warhammer books. And it is Steampunk no less with a character wielding demonic powers chasing a mysterious key. Seed by Rob Ziegler is a debut I've talked up a bit, but up until this point I've only read a few chapters. Those few chapters though inspired me to interview Ziegler. That thick green member is Inheritance by Christopher Paolini that I'll fit in around the end of the year. Fingers crossed that it closes out strong. Lastly is the graphic novel Grandville Mon Amour by Bryan Talbot, his second collection for the Steampunk Anthropomorphic animal detective series.

Mecha Corps by Brett Patton is a debut about soldiers in as the title suggest mecha suits that could be fun, but the cover isn't doing much for me . Broken Blade by Kelly McCullough is the start to a new Fantasy series that is about the skinniest Fantasy book I've seen in years. Acquainted with the Night by Piper Maitland looks to be in the Da Vinci Code vein only a bit sexualized. Next I've got re-releases of two classics: The Last Unicorn by Peter Beagle and The Once and Future King by T.H. White. I've read the former, but not in many years so a re-read is in order and never the latter which is a great shame I hope to rectify in the next couple of months. Songs of the Earth by Elisabeth Cooper made a lot of noise from its UK release earlier this year and the US is finally getting a shot.  Stands a Shadow by Col Buchanan is the sequel to Farlander that had some nice moments, but didn't win me completely over.

You Might Also Like:
INTERVIEW | Rob Ziegler author of Seed
REVIEW | Farlander by Col Buchanan
CLASSIC REVIEW | Homeland by R.A. Salvatore
CLASSIC REVIEW | Ringworld by Larry Niven


  1. You had me at "Steampunk Anthropomorphic animals". the sexed up Davinci Code thing sounds like a fun read too.

    and wait, a skinny fantasy novel? what universe is this? ;)

  2. Gosh, you got Endurance by Jay Lake.
    I've been obsessing on getting that one.
    See my books:
    Review of Circus Galacticus by Deva Fagan

  3. Nice haul sir. I'll be interested to see what you think about Grandvill Mon Amour. It's a graphic novel I've had my eye on for a while.
