07 February 2012

Behold My New Bookshelves!!!

As this post goes live I will be on a short vacation, but clearly I have not forgotten you, my loyal readers. I could never. The night I was packing my now built-in bookshelves were just about finished. A few details are still to come, but the below shows the close to finished product. Some may remember that I purchased 4 bookshelves from Borders during their going out of business sale. That's right even though Borders is gone they will not be forgotten, at least in my house. I purchased them even though I had no place for them at the time with the plan of installing them in my next house. They sat for months in a dusty corner of a warehouse my company was kind enough to let me use. Just recently I put my old place on the market and moved into the house I'll eventually buy (when my place sells) and had them installed along with some other remodel work we wanted done to the room.

Now behold!!!

Seen above is now what I referring to as "The Library." This is a long-time dream coming true. A very talented friend is doing all of the remodel work and started by chopping off the top 6 inches or so of the bookcases in order for them to fit in a room with a slightly lower than average ceiling. They are being finished off with gorgeous stain grade trim wood top and bottom.  I chose a red-ish stain for the trim to make it standout against the light birch of the cases. Want a close up of that trim work? I thought you would.

Jealous yet? I thought so. At the very top is what is known as dental trim. It is called dental apparently because it looks like rows of teeth. So my shelves now have quite a bite to them. Below that is a trim piece with a nice leaf design that goes along with other fixtures already in the room or to be installed.

None of the shelves are sorted at this point except for this one with a lot of my favorite genre books from the last few years, which still needs to be monkeyed with a bit more.  That white door leads to a catchall closet with lots of storage space  and is what I now called "The Hypercube." Why? Because why not?

"Honey, where do you want this box?"
"In the Hypercube."

And if you were curious these cases comprise about half of my book collection. Across the room are my old freestanding cases, which are not quite as packed as they once were.

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  1. Very cool! I wish mine looked as nice and organised :-D

  2. Oooh. Color me jealous. Sweet to have a library, never mind a new house to do it in. Looks like a lot of your books are either hardcovers or large paperbacks. Oof. Can't be fun to move those.

  3. Very nice! Love the extra touch you added to the top of them.

  4. very cool, love the trim work

    (got mine up in our new apt. this year too, no fancy trimwork though) http://i.imgur.com/ZSXLE.jpg

  5. Wonderful! Yes, I am jealous! :)

  6. This is awesome. I'm going to that when I get a house someday.

  7. That, sir, is a thing of beauty. I'd love to have a library, and I'd love even more to have it made of old bookshop shelves. You and your books and very lucky.

    Also, loving the "Hypercube" name.

  8. I'm not sure how organized it is at the moment, but it is getting there. The grand plan is putting them all in alphabetical order (at least the books I've read).

    I do have a preference for HC and PB. As I get older I find it harder to read mass markets. It was not fun to move all the books, but I had a hand-truck so that helped a lot plus a couple strong friends.

    @Jeremy: Very sweet. Now that is an orderly collection.

  9. It looks pretty good.
    Like Todd mentioned just love the top. Has a nice wood finish.
    And the books looks pretty great up there. Fantastic space.

  10. Nice shelves you got there! Certainly, your book collection is both astounding and very well organized. Being a collector and a reader means that we have to keep the quality of the book - from its cover down to its pages - by properly placing them on an adequate shelf, which should be regularly cleaned. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Fletcher Hevey @ Concord Supplies
