17 February 2012

FREE FICTION | Martha Wells Three Worlds Shorts

Last night I finished The Serpent Sea by Martha Wells, which is the sequel to the wondrous world she created with The Cloud Roads. If you haven't read any of Wells novels yet it is high time you do and to whet your imagination I turn you towards three short stories, which all have to do with the 3 Worlds.

The first is a bit of a prequel focusing on Chime, one of the series main character's good friends who went through something of a change before The Cloud Roads opens. "Adaptation" is the story of how Chime went from being a Mentor in the Raksura community to its newest Warriors. Quite a thing when you develop wings nearly overnight. Definitely a must-read for those who have read the first book.  The second is also a prequel. "The Forest Boy" is about the starring character Moon from a time when he was very young and very alone.

The last centers on a crew of a flying ship, "The Almost Last Voyage of the Wind-ship Escarpment." This one doesn't feature any of the characters from the novels, but does explore a different culture found on the world, which literally seems like a world filled with hundreds of sentient races.

And Wells just tweeted out news about the third book of the Raksura:
Good news this morning: the third (still untitled) Raksura Book now has a contract and will probably come out in January or February of 2013!
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