08 March 2012

Cover Unveiled for Justin Cronin's The Twelve

If you like your books big, a bit ponderous, and filled with well developed characters you couldn't do much better then Justin Cronin's The Passage, one of my favorite books of 2010. It is The Stand for a new generation with a new breed of vampire/zombie hybrids in a Post Apocalyptic landscape. The sequel The Twelve finally has a cover and a firm release date of October 16th after a few false mentions that moved it from early summer to mid-winter.

I've yet to see a description of The Twelve that isn't full of spoilers for the first book so I'll just say the characters take the fight to another level. It should be very interesting to see how Cronin makes things more epic. One tidbit I've learned is this book will, at least in part, retell events from the first book from different points of view, but should still push things forward as well.  The cover is nothing too special, at least in this form. The HC of The Passage was printed on metallic stock and they'll probably go for that again given its almost inevitable bestseller status.

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