02 March 2012

FREE READING | Phil & Kaja Foglio's Agatha H. and the Airship City

If you know Steampunk then the Foglios need no introduction for you. Phil and Kaja have created one of the seminal Steampunk comics (they prefer to call it Gaslamp Fantasy) with Girl Genius series starring the ever bubbly genius Agatha Heterodyne. Last year Night Shade and the Foglios started turning out prose versions of the story with Agatha H. and the Airship City, which is now being given away for free on Amazon as an eBook. No word on if other e-tailers will be giving it away at this price, but it may happen as Night Shade has done many similar promotions. Also, the 2nd prose book Agatha H. and the Clockwork Princess is coming out in hardcover in April.  The first edition of Airship City sold out quickly so if you're a collector get your order in sooner and if you've never tried Giril Genius this is certainly a good place to start if you're not into comics..

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