24 September 2012

New Procurements

Yes, it is that time again. The first shot is of books I purchased and the second books sent for potential review. Lots of big name books in the second.

The Islanders by Christopher Priest made quite a splash across the pond, but thus far is available only by import in the US. I had to order it used and what came in the mail but an ex-library copy. Still it is in good condition. The new few were bought on my vacation. Roadside Picnic by Arkady & Boris Strugatsky is a new translation of a classic first contact story. The Haunting Of Alaizabel Cray by Chris Wooding I nabbed just because it is Wooding who has not disappointed me yet. Stephenson's Reamde was sitting on the discount shelf for under $7, which was a sign that it was time I should scoop it up, but it will be a while before I get to the this hefty tome.

The first few here will be gobbled up very, very soon with hopes to of doing reviews close to their release dates this Fal. That's right I've got Sanderson's The Emerpor's Soul, which is placed on the same word as Elantris.   The Labyrinth of Dreaming Books is Walter Moers' latest Zamonia novel and it looks to be back in the fantastic city of a much changed Bookholm. The much anticipated The Fractal Prince by Hannu Rajaniemi is the sequel to The Quantum Thief, which I liked quite a bit a couple years back. Mark Hodder's A Red Sun Also Rises looks to be an odd Sword & Planet that could be a lot of fun as well.

The Rapture of the Nerds is a Doctorow and Stross collaboration. Is that too much concentrated nerd in one package? Alchemystic is Anton Strout's start to a new Urban Fantasy series featuring gargoyles, which just might be a good light read. Daugther of the Sword is Steve Bein's debut and I've already heard a few good things that make me think I'll like it. Salvage Demolition is Tim Powers' latest novella from Sub Pres. The Hunter from the Woods is by Robert McCammon who I've heard loads about, but never tried before. This just might be the one. And lastly is James Cain's long lost novel The Cocktail Waitress.

Quite a nice stack I must say!

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1 comment:

  1. Nice haul! I haven't cared much for Christopher Priest (either as an author or a celebrity), but Robert McCammon is always a good read.

    Waiting anxiously for my copy of "The Emerpor's Soul" to arrive - nice to know it's out there!
