03 December 2010

NEWS | Brent Weeks Turns in Durzo Novella

According to Brent Weeks' twitter we'll be getting his first short work ever published. And it will be related to the Night Angel Trilogy to boot. Weeks said:
You ever wonder how Durzo became Durzo? Well, I just turned in a Durzo Blint novella that tells.
No word yet on title, publisher, or release date. There is a chance this is for Orbit Books new program for short fiction or it could even be something for Sub Press.  Novellas usually max out at 50,000 words so I'm keenly interested in how long this will be, especially since Brandon Sanderson's novella recently turned into a full blown, albeit shorter than the rest, Mistborn novel called Mistborn: The Alloy of Law. More as it develops. Whatever happens I'm about as excited as Weeks is in the above picture to have some more Durzo.

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