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Brent Weeks' Night Angel Trilogy Movie Option

Congratulations to Brent Weeks! According to Publisher's Marketplace, film rights to New York Times best-selling author Brent Weeks' NIGHT ANGEL trilogy have been sold to actor Cam Gigandet (the antagonist in "Twilight") who will develop the project with his agency William Morris Endeavor.

I can't really see a studio going all the way to making 3 movies and being very faithful to the books. Yet I could see how the whole trilogy could be condensed down to a decent fantasy/action movie, but they may lose the souls of the characters with trimming. Either way I wouldn't pass-up watching it. I really need to read the concluding volume Beyond the Shadows.

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Brent Weeks' Night Angel Trilogy Movie Option
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SKY said...

i wouldn't pass up watching the movie at all, if the movie(s) is made, i will be the first one at the theaters to see it!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hollywood always has a way of condensing to the point where the movie is a faint shadow, pardon the pun, of the book. It'll be too bad if they ruin a great trilogy such as this. Creating a single movie of all 3 books may be possible if they can creat a 2.5 - 3 hour movie, not the 1.5 hour low CGI fantasy movies(cough..cough..garbage)that seem to come out nowadays.
Only time will tell....

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can they make these books into a movie/s arrrr.... didn't they see harry potter or twilight? please brent weeks, please don't do it, u don't need to make money!!!! these are ur books! why destroy them so the film industry has something to do? *sigh* this is one person not going to see them.

Tyler said...

Maybe a TV series would be better.... you could flesh the characters out appropriately and have time to fit the whole storyline in. I'd love to see these books come to life, but i'd really hate them to be ruined by a film that doesn't do them justice.

Anonymous said...

The only problem with a TV. series is that if it's successful then it'll go on and on and on....... and go more away from the books. The TV. series would also be on late at night. These are not books for little kids. :P

Anonymous said...

I hope they don't condense it into one movie. The storyline from all three books would have to be radically changed and they are a great work. At least they should make it more than 1 movie long to build on the characters. That would make it less appealing for me if they changed it too much, but it could turn out great. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I hope they don't make it softer, without as much blood etc.

Connor said...

this has a lot of potential. the problem is that it can be a huge letdown if the movies (there has to be more than one do do the series justice) aren't as close to the books as possible then it will become a childrens movie (like eragon...shudder)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tyler a TV series would be better, but i would really hate to see these great books be destroyed, if they do it they should do it right or there will be a lot of unhappy fans...

Anonymous said...

They better make three movies or TV show or a Manga (which would be awesome) if they make these three books into one movie i might just have to stab some one. Brent if you really wanna see your Books go to hole go let them make this single movie that will destroy these epic books, but if you don't... I'm sure you know what to do!

funkyred44 said...

I wouldnt pass up watching the films for a second, because i love the books, but I think to maintain the enormous plot line and the soul of the characters they should split the books, definitely the last 1, into 2...there is enough action so that the first parts wont get boring.

Myst said...

If they are to make this into a movie(s). they better have Brent be apart of the whole script, and on set for the filming. i feel it is the only way this would come out doing the book justice. also no low budget crap... go all out or nothing at all.

Cam said...

Alright so heres another movie where I just read the trilogy a couple times but it's now going to become a really bad movie? Don't make it another Eragon Brent ! The only way this might work I suppose is if Brent Week's is on set and on script all the time and they make atleast 2 movies but 3 would be better...

Unknown said...

Oh, please no. I saw the title of this article and was really excited, and then read it and realised what a tragedy that would be. I mean, this guy is from TWILIGHT. He will ruin everything he touches. I don't think even Weeks' plot can outweigh that. A nightangel movie could be alright if done right, but chances are, it wouldn't be, and would quite possibly turn into the next twilight. Especially if there's someone from those movies involved. Even without the twilight guy, the risk is too great. Weeks, if you see this, I implore you: Do NOT let this happen.

Ixelmy said...

...I'm not happy. First of all not I'm not a big fan of Twilight -at all- so anything associated with it is going to make me apprehensive. Second, they better not condense the books into one movie. It would ruin it...I'm sorry, but there is far too much that goes on in the story to be properly carried out in one effing film.

jason knott said...

all great stories loose their soul when they become a hollywood ghost of a movie. but just as lotr and scarry potter we will read we will watch we will complain and we will love it. plus why not do charity work for the imagination impaired.
imagine a gunslinger movie sure hollywood would chop its lengthy glory two an hour and a half but sometimes its the spark that starts the machine. great is the nightangel may kyler hold the kakari for as long as he can

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt mind at all if they made a movie but a tv show? not so much.
the movie would work very well if they could (somehow) make it with the quality of james cameron's avatar. i can imagine the 3d effects on the kakari. That would be good. but only if the quality was matching up to avatar. a manga would be good aswell. it would also interest a whole different scope of people! OwO

Anonymous said...

if there going to make it a movie they have to do three moovies that have everything not condensed it would ruin it

Anonymous said...

They should not do a movie unless they dispense them properly....such as 3 movies. Its called Night Angel Trilogy for a reason. Tv series sounds nice but they would have to make it dark yet intriguing, just like the books. Anime cartoons would be hardcore but id rather the real deal, if hollywood is going to do it they should go all out and go by the books.......for once. This trilogy is too amazing to be ruined by the film industry!

Travis said...

I would love to see a Night Angel Trilogy movie(s). I know that traditionally movies made from great books rarely live up to the entertainment bar set by the books, but I don't know why this upsets fans so much. I have already read the books and enjoyed them and received the entertainment value they have to offer. The movie should be taken as a completely different experience and whether or not it is as good as the books shouldn't take anything away from the books themselves. So, I am definitely looking forward to a Night Angel Trilogy movie(s). I won't go to it with any expectations and, who knows, it might turn out surprisingly good.

kayne said...

i would love to see it in a movie or a tv show but they would deffinetly screw it up if they shortend it or any thing and we need chicks with good tits

Ceas said...

Sure, let them make a trilogy. I don't mind... as long as they let James Cameron direct the movies.

Anonymous said...

If they make this movie, they better do a Lord of the rings where they do a good job with a movie per book and don't change too much. Not do an Eragon where they completely changed the storyline and left out whole characters, the reason why they never made eldest is because the forgot half the characters that continue on

Infinit777 said...

if this movie is made i will go see it , buy it and cherish it.. the night angel trilogy is the best series ive ever read... hopefully they keep to the book bettertwilight tho xD ( no offence i love twilight)

Anonymous said...

actually, i would much rather see these books turned into a game, that way u could spend plenty of time developing the characters, plus how badass would it be to get to play as the night angel?

Anonymous said...

Game sounds awesome....

Don F. said...

I would see these movies. I hate reading books, yet once i picked up, "The Way of Shadows", I couldnt put it down. I'm in the middle of reading the 2nd book right now. I would love to see the moives!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

what they should do is make three two to three hour movies that way you get the great story that was told and you can get to know the characters like how they were portrayed in the book.

Anonymous said...

a game would be hardcore. imagine auroch :), that would be so pimp. i read this series like twice and if they make a game, it would sell probly maybe as good as halo :)

Anonymous said...

OK - if you do make a TV mini series, get director Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Dollhouse). He does good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Putting all three great books into one run movie would be like putting your cat in the microwave, just pointless. I'd rather the books stay books if they're even going to try that. A manga series would be a way better choice than just one movie.

Nathan said...

A TV series such as the UK's robin hood or the British legend of the seeker would be a giant hit, but I dont know about a movie. Regardless, I would see the movie "if" they make it, or them.

Anonymous said...

i think a movie of these would be amazing if they don't shy away from a long length and stay close to the books. i'll probly see it anyway but it would be just terrible if they screwed up like they did on eragon....

Anonymous said...

I would love to see a movie after just finishing the books but if they make it real life like twilight then imagine a 5 year old little kid named (azoth) who doesnt know what the books are doing it!

SKY said...

but in the books, azoth was 11 years old, not 5.

Unknown said...

TV Series is the way to go. Something in HBO perhaps, they have the cash and guts to do this right. Not meant for children. This is some hardcore stuff. I'd love to see it made in film, but it would require a long series of 6-8 films, like the Star Wars Saga, but I'd prefer the TV version.

Rashad said...

I see this series as possibly a video game more than a movie...but if done right they could make this a really great 3 hour movie per book.

Anonymous said...

It'd be awesome to see this amazing Trilogy become a movie but let's face it, Hollywood is just going to destroy it and any true fan will hate it, I'm sure. Look at what they've done in the past with amazing books turned film(the Borne Trilogy, Angels and Demons+ The DaVinci Code, The Count of Monte Cristo, 90% of Stephen Kings books turned movies...ect...ect). Now an HBO series would kick serious ass. They could still keep all the grit plus they'd have the option to not cut major parts out because of content or time restraints.

Anonymous said...

game and tv series would be better, story lines too goddam good to make just one movie of all three

Trenton Willard said...

The way i see it, we already know the books were great. Making a movie is also another way for the author to make money. The only real problem with making a movie isn't that the characters will not be as good or the acting or the fight scenes we created in out imagination (which they wont) the biggest problem is that some people will only watch the movies and they will never be able to cherish the actual books. It will be ok if the movies aren't the best because we will still have the books plus the author will get more (well deserved money). The only people on the loosing end of the movie will be the people who do not read the books!

Anonymous said...

I kinda agree with trenton but all the same i've dreamed of seing this on the big screen, but im almost possitive there going to ruin it... oh well I know ill be there opening day.

Unknown said...

i honestly cant wait but when is gonna be released

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I think if they made 3 movies one for each book and actually followed the storyline it would be a great movie but mostlikely they'll add there own stuff and take out good parts just like they did for harry potter started out great then just kept getting worse.

Anthony said...

...I have mixed emotions about this idea...a movie on this great saga would be nice...that is if the guy from twilight doesn't f it all up. Honestly, why give it to him...sorry, I'm being bias. I've never seen the Twilight movie and who knows, the Twilight guy could make the movie into a real masterpiece. To tell you the truth, I would be much more content with a Night Angel Trilogy video game. I can easily picture this as some sort of rpg. I wish the best for Brent Weeks. I really hope that his masterpiece doesn't turn into a big pile of crap.

Anonymous said...

NOOO!! How can it be even remotely related to Twilight!? At least these books are written by someone who can actually write. I'm sorry but anything related to Twilight will just draw a crowd and I think this novel is much nicer as a cult novel.

That being said, a good movie would be nice to see but they are rarely done right. What would be fun would be a really awesome video game possibly similar in animation to Assassin's creed because they have a very decent gameplay and animation style. That could be achievable and enough to, I think, satisfy fans.

Anonymous said...

They would not DARE make it manga style. i hate manga and everything about it. i wouldnt take it seriously. oh, by the way, im thinking that taylor momsen would make a good Vi

Anonymous said...

I just died inside

Anonymous said...

I'ld like to see HBO run it. From what I understand True blood is almost exactly the same as the books.

Anonymous said...

I think a good anime could be made out of this. HBO always has great shows too. I just don't think it would be a good movie. There is too much story that come together there isn't enough time and no one wants to watch three hour long movies its just too much.

Anonymous said...

To whom said they didn't want to see the blood and gore parts reduced too much. If they left all that stuff in, it wouldn't be far fetched for the rating system people too peg the movie as a horror. Not that I don't want to see the bloody bits taken out.

Anonymous said...

I think the best route to go with making the movies is to take Brent's new novella coming out, Perfect Shadow, and make it into a movie first. It should be shorter, being a novella, so it will give them an idea of how much screen time and effort they will have to put into the longer books. They can also test the waters and see what the fans do and do not like. It also makes sense as this book is a prequel; they would be setting the series up for great success if the movie was a hit. Honestly, imagine how much better LOTR would have done if they'd bothered to make The Hobbit first.

Anonymous said...

Get Peter Jackson to do it!!! would be epic!!!! omfg so exited no mater who the director is anyway lol.

Anonymous said...

to the person who said that brents new book would be better as a movie first...that's retarded, if they made that book into a movie first it would take away from a lot of the drama in finding out (spoiler) that Durzo is an immortal at the end of the way of shadows...

Anonymous said...

I just never watch ANY movies taken from books I actually read. Problem solved, sorry....not getting my money to sit through a movie that'll probably make me want to stab my eyes five minutes in. The books would be dead to me.

KevinMcloud said...

I understand movies are never as good as the books, but I for one, am excited to see this plan in action. Even if the books cant be completly captured on film, there is still alot detail that can go into it. Also everyone who see's these movies is going to want to read these books which I believe is a great business decision for Mr. Weeks.

Anonymous said...

Maybe now that HBO is having success with Game of Thrones they should buy the rights to this amd make it a mini-series that would be great.

Anonymous said...

a game would be boss and i would totally but it even if it was a s expensive as halo :D

Anonymous said...

true a movie dont do a book justic,but yet i think a movie woulod be great I would watch it...

Anonymous said...

i would love to see this movie come to life but as everybody said movies and tv series either drag on or just cut it short