26 January 2011

NEWS | Jim Butcher's Ghost Story Delayed

Jim Butcher has announced that Ghost Story the 13th novel in the highly popular Dresden Files series would be moved from its April, 2011 release date to July 26th.  Jim said something along the lines of:
“It came down to, readers could either get a half-assed story in April, or a full-assed one in July!”
Seems like Harry's current state of affairs is causing Butcher some writing problems. I'd like my Dresden fix sooner but I'd rather wait for a damn good book.

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  1. NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo...ooo.ooooo.oo......... Wait, only July? And we will get a better book because of it.

    I can do that.

    But don't GRRM us, Butcher. Or I will become your name on you.

  2. Yeah it is not so long. I was actually getting worried about fitting in all the new releases around that time of year. Summer is probably better, but this also probably means each succeeding book in the series will be pushed back that much since Butcher has been doing one every 12 months or so since around Dead Beat.

  3. I hate to wait, but guess I'd have to vote for the full-assed story!

  4. argh. I had ordered this for my library back in November... and now I have to wait until July for it to get here!?! Thanks for the update!! :)
