24 January 2011

Re-Covering 3 Sci-Fi Classics

These covers are part of Random House UK's Vintage imprint, which specializes in large part with--you guessed it--reprints of classics. Normally the covers for this series are fairly austere efforts, but the design Gods deigned to give genre loves some color. These hit it out of the park for the most part. I'm also told that the covers will be printed in 3-D and sold with a pair of 3-D glasses.

Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Journey to the Centre of the Earth have both had dozens upon dozens of designs over the years, but these two surely are some of the best they've seen yet with the latter being my favorite.

Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World 3-D effect looks a bit off register to me compared with the others, but maybe it will look good in the final version. Especially with the glasses.

These editions will all be released in May. I just may have to pick-up Journey as it was one of my favorites growing up along side Lost Horizon. If you know who the designers are do comment.

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  1. large print. . . classics. . .does that imply that if we're old enough to be into the classics that we need large print books?

    works for me! I LOVE large print, mine eyes suck.

    I really want that Lost World book, even with the weird 3-D-ish cover.

  2. I love all these books. I would add "The Island of Dr. Moreau", a personal favorite, by H.G. Wells.
