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MICRO REVIEW | Year Zero by Rob Reid

Like Ready Player One, Year Zero is the type of book that will hit the sweet spot for those of a certain generation. Year Zero revels in the music of the 80's and 90's and also the Napster era legal issues of the 00's. Some characters are even supposed to resemble names you might know from the late 80's to early 90's pop music. Reid certainly has the right pedigree to write such a book having started Rhapsody. There are plenty of laughs to be had as we meet a cadre of unusual aliens and odd situations.

There are some issues, which keep Year Zero from attaining its potential. The main character comes off very flat and doesn't go through much growth despite the outcome. Yet he knows himself well. However, many of the side characters are also very one dimensional as well and just seem there for a specific joke at times. Especially the space slut.

Besides the many in-jokes, the time exploring the other races of the cosmos was very inventive, especially a certain race whose name isn't worth mentioning. All in all, a very solid albeit light first novel, but don't going into thinking this is the next Hitchhiker's Guide or you'll be disappointed. The style actually reminded more of Christopher Moore in space mixed with some court room theatrics and a decent send-up of reality television.

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Anonymous said...

I know, I know, the Douglas Adams comparison is unfair and raises expectations to insane heights.
But I actually loved Year Zero. It isn't without flaws, but it made me chuckle and I hope Rob keeps writing funny fiction.

Mad Hatter Review said...

It is hard to leave up to a comparison to Adams. Year Zero does have a nice absurdist bent that made me grin quite a few times. I'd certainly be interested in what Reid does next.

Justin said...

I think it's much more funny than Adams, but it lacks the timelessness. Reid's humor won't last much beyond this decade.