I've been a busy Mad Hatter book collector as usual with a trip to a new used bookstore, Borders, and a little online trolling. Also, I've been out of my house for the last 6 weeks because of a flood so most of my books are boxed up. We were hoping to get back in before Christmas, but that is looking less and less likely. I felt a little book-naked not having the selection I normally do hence all the trips. Traditionally I like to read a review copy and than a book I've purchased to mix things up, but due to the mishap I mostly have recent review copies with me. Anywho, here are my recent grabs.
The Hero of Ages (Mistborn 3) by Brandon Sanderson - I've got the first two volumes so I thought I should finish the set. Now just to get to it.
Naked in Dangerous Places by Cash Peters - The title grabbed me immediately from the shelf. Plus I can feel a travel binge coming on. It always seems to happen around the holidays.
Time and Again by Jack Finney - I've picked this book up and down probably a dozen times, but spotting it in a used shop finally cinched grabbing this classic time Fantasy.
The Steampunk Trilogy by Paul Di Filippo- I've enjoyed many of Di Filippo's short story collections such as The Emperor of Gondwanaland and Other Stories, Lost Pages, and his recently re-released novel Fuzzy Dice. Plus it is one of the earliest examples of Steampunk so I've got to see what helped establish the sub-genre.
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger - I enjoyed The Time Traveler's Wife immensely so I'm more than willing to give this a chance despite mixed reviews. I think people were expecting another TTW, which from what I know it isn't.
Show and Tell and Other Stories by Greg van Eekhout - Eekhout's short stories are usually strong and in my wanderings I discovered this little chapbook published by Tropism Press.
Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler - Looks like it would be a fun UF. Plus I think my wife will love it.The Wild Things by David Eggers - Eggers has written some of the most memorable books of the last decade. And I of course had to get the fur-covered edition. I still however have to see the movie so I may wait until than to read it since it is the novelization.

The Osiris Ritual by George Mann - In a mad bout of ordering from the Book Depository I picked up the next adventure Newbury & Hobbes adventure. Snow Books did an impressive job with the cover using a mix of matte/gloss/blue foil that looks very eye catching.
Time Travelers Never Die by Jack McDevitt - I love time travel books so when I heard the title that's all it took. Plus McDevitt has a good reputation, but I don't think I've read one of his books in a decade.
Heh. I went for the fur-covered edition as well. It is so... huggable!
The only thing I've actually read on your list is the Steampunk Trilogy, and that was a zillionty years ago. I remember one of the stories being very good (about Queen Vic), one being atrocious (Walt Whitman) and the third I don't remember at all... hmmm. Anyway, looking forward to your review - if you like it, I'll drag it back out again!
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