Lots of lovelies have shown-up recently and I can hardly decide where to begin. At the beginning I guess.
First up is
Before I Got to Sleep by S .J. Watson, which was very well lauded last year, which I picked-up used. That shiny blue number is Christopher Moore's
Sacre Bleu, which is a work of book art, printed in 2 colors for the text, but also containing a few 4-color paintings related to the text. The story takes place in 19th century France and includes many well known artists as characters. It seems like more of a Tom Robbins book then the zany Moore I usually look forward to, but I'm more than willing to give it a chance. Next is
Broken Universe by Paul Melko, which is the sequel to
The Walls of the Universe. I've been awaiting this release for a few years as there were some big mysteries left open. I bought the graphic novel
Elephantmen by Richard Starkings after a mention over at
Three A.M. by Steven John looks to a Dystopian story in the Noir vein in which a city and its inhabitants are trapped in a thick fog along with a plague. I've been on a Dystopian kick lately as I just finished Brian Evenson's
Immobility, but I need a breather before going into another. The next couple are two of my highly anticipated sequels for the year. I've gone on about the
troubles Ian Tregillis has seen in getting
The Coldest War to the public, so this is going high on the list. Beaulieu's
The Straits of Galahesh is so tempting I've already started it. Definitely great so far and fans of behemoth Fantasy need to dive into the series before it looks too daunting on the shelf. At the bottom is Carol Wolf's debut
Summoning and another debut
Faustus Resurrectus by Thomas Morrissey. The latter sounds quite interesting and looks to be close to the Felix Castor books so I may take a dip-in to test the waters.
Pod by Stephen Wallenfels might be good for a quick Sci-Fi read in which mysterious orbs surround the world killing anyone who ventures outdoors and those in doors fight to survive.
Land of Hope and Glory by Geoffrey Wilson is another debut about an alternative past in the mid-1800s in which steam technology and magic abound in The Indian Rebellion. I'll admit to buying this because of the awesome elephant on the cover. I also finally got around to buying a copy of
The Left Hand of Darkness by LeGuin after many years of telling myself I would. I plan on getting to it sometime this year. That red number is the sure-to-be-instant-best-seller
Amped by Daniel H. Wilson that I've
mentioned before. Next are a trio of review copies from Subterranean Press.
Zeuglodon by James P. Blaylock takes place in the same world as his
The Digging Levithan.
Noctuary by Thomas Ligotti is the latest in the definitive editions of his work. Lastly is the collection
The Man Who Married a Cloud by Jonathan Carroll, who I must confess to only having read a few stray short stories before. I want to try them all out, but will probably start with Ligotti as I've never read this collection.
Ahhh, now just to find the time to read them all. Dreams, my bookish followers. Dreams.
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Ooh, lucky you - would really like to read Tregillis's novels. Also Elephantman, it's apparently very good. If weird.
I think the mass market of Bitter Seeds is coming out soon so you should be able try Tegillis out soon.
Well, I do like weird. Elephantmen is huge series so it will take me a while to get through it.
The Easter Bunny just brought Before I Got to Sleep by S .J. Watson for my wife.
I'm hoping a copy of The Coldest War will arrive for me, too.
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